A couple weeks ago, I grew another year wiser. It was the big 44!
I don’t know if you’ve experienced this where, one day, you kind of wake up and realize you’re in the mid-part of your life. It’s surreal. It’s surprising. It’s life.
Honestly, I really feel wonderful. Life just keeps getting better and I feel more centered, fortunate, blessed, and happy than I’ve ever been. I guess time has a way of making things better.
This morning, I woke up and wrote down 44 things I’ve learned over the past 44 years. Things about love, work, drive, direction, purpose, health, and curiosity. Things that have become beliefs. Things that have shaped my view of the world. Things I hold as important.
I’m writing these so when life takes a downward turn, I can go back and remind myself of what’s important. But, perhaps you might find something in here as well that you can apply to your life to make it a bit more fulfilling. If that turns out to be the case, then I’d be a happy man to know I’ve helped you out in a small way.
Enjoy! I’d love for you to comment below and let me know what your favorites are:

- The value of life is not in what is owned, but what we experience, who we experience it with, and the quality of love we give.
- Live life in a way that makes a positive lasting difference on others and your environment.
- The air I breathe is borrowed.
- When considering happiness, set the bar low. Make it easy for you to find reasons to be happy.
- Practice kindness daily.
- We are allowed to make mistakes and still be awesome.
- Our happiness depends greatly on what we choose to focus on.
- We are all one.
- Meditate daily.
- Character is determined when no one is watching.
- There is a difference between looking at someone, and truly seeing them. Focus on the latter.
- If you randomly think of someone, stop for a moment and send them positive energy.
- Give love freely, for, it is infinite. Receive love openly. You are worthy of love.
- Instead of asking what your mate can do for you, ask if you have the character to be the man she needs you to be.
- Never stop touching.
- It’s OK to cry.
- A short, hand-written note is more meaningful than a text or email.
- Make a photo book of your friends, family, and events every year.
- Friendships must be cultivated, watered, and grown.
- At the next party you go to, make it a point to ask questions, be interested, and listen three times more than you talk.
- Travel Often. Let curiosity be your guide.
- Trade your time only for WOW!
- Dress up on Halloween
- Go see live theatre
- Every so often, only listen to new music for a week. It could be a new station, a new band, or a new genre that you normally woudn’t listen to. Get out of your routine.
- Take time to play.
- Discover the artist within you without judging him or her.
- Risk more than is comfortable. Take a step. Even when you’re unsure, step anyway.
- Exercise your body and mind 5 days a week.
- Your health matters more than your bank account.
- Every so often, do fruit, veggie, raw diets for a few days, and don’t drink during that time.
- Buy fewer things of higher value.
- Commit to taking full responsibility in every area of your life.
- People aren’t watching and talking about you as much as you think they are.
- Our greatest challenges yield the most beautiful memories.
- Money is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.
- When you feel arrogance in yourself, ask what you’re afraid of.
- Surround yourself with people who play at things you have to work at
- Set stretch goals. The greatest value is not in what you accomplish, but the type of person you become while working on it
- Strive for excellence over perfection
- Many times, the race is won by those who keep running.
- You are not your work. It is a part of what you do, but it is not who you are.
- We never have another day to make this day meaningful, so spend more time working on things worth dying for.
- Love. Then, love more.
I love these and this idea! Numbers 12 and 38 spoke straight to me, and 25 is something I’m going to try! Glad you had a wonderful birthday!
Sounds great @jennifer_vickers:disqus !
Love. Then, love more……I love this!!! And, all 44 of them….
I truly enjoyed and loved all 44 things that you said!.
Thanks @conniejferguson:disqus ! Appreciate the comment.